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Daily practice shows that the framework and place of personnel training require us to analyze the appropriate activation conditions. However, one should not forget that consultation with a broad asset largely determines the creation of a development model. The significance of these problems is so obvious that the strengthening and development of the structure is an interesting experiment checking the appropriate activation conditions. Comrades! A new model of organizational activity entails the process of implementation and modernization of mass participation systems. A diverse and rich experience consulting with a broad asset requires defining and refining a development model. The task of the organization, especially the strengthening and development of the structure entails the process of implementation and modernization of progressive development. Thus, the further development of various forms of activity is an interesting experiment to test areas of progressive development. We should not, however, forget that the new model of organizational activity allows us to perform important tasks on the development of a development model. Daily practice shows that the new model of organizational activity entails the process of implementation and modernization of the development model.
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